Although the game went out of style decades ago, the game of Marbles was once a very common part of childhood life. It can be traced back to the year 1588, but became very popular in the latter part of the 1800’s and especially into the first half or more of the last century. In the game, kids would battle it out, trying to knock one another’s marbles out of a large circle drawn in the dirt. In the more cutthroat version, as you knocked a marble out, you captured and assimilated that marble into your personal collection. When a competitor was aggressive and taking risks to win the game, it was said they were “playing for all the marbles”. The game was such a part of life in that day, that the phrase soon became a part of the American vernacular. The phrase “playing for all the marbles” began to denote a team heading to victory, a businessman being committed to closing a deal, or a gambler being all in on a bet.
In life there are times to play it casually, but then there are times we need to play for “all the marbles”. By this I mean we need to flex our muscles of commitment and push in for the break- through. We need to take a stand and not back down when going after what really matters in life. You know, to be all in.
Like it or not, the enemy of our souls is playing for “all the marbles”. The Deceiver is deceived thinking he can take it all in this cosmic battle for our souls. But we know the truth, God already won “all the marbles” and He wants us to share in His victory. He sent Jesus to triumph for us. All who partner with Him share in this victory. And what is best, when we surrender our “marbles” to Him, we get it all and abandon the ones that we don’t need or that bring us harm.
Jesus said “Seek first His Kingdom, and His Righteousness…” He also said the greatest commandment was to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” I’m no expert, but that seems like a lot of ‘alls’. If I read correctly, if I’m going to be in it for “all the marbles”, I need to love Him and seek first His Kingdom with all I possess. In a word, that’s commitment.
All of us who say we love Jesus want the ‘all’ that He has won for us, but many feel they don’t have what it takes to play for “all the marbles”. As a matter of fact, most feel like in their pursuit, that they are ‘losing their marbles’ and not finding His victory. Perhaps that is because they don’t realize that, though it is a great commitment, there is a simplicity in appropriating what He has won for us. The enemy is already defeated! Our victory comes from our surrender to the King. If you believe He died and rose again and proclaim Him as the Lord, or King of your life, you will be saved – that means you share in His victory. From there it is loving Him, committing to putting His Kingdom first, and resting in His presence.
The application of this principle starts with our salvation, but extends well beyond the boundaries of the circle in the dirt. It includes your eternal relationship with your Creator, it includes the dreams He has placed on your heart, and it encompasses your part in Jesus’s plan to seek and to save the lost. If in your daily walk you feel like you’re losing, or worse, that you have ‘lost your marbles’, return to the source of your victory. It is Jesus, not your skills in the battle in the dirt. Please join me in asking God to enrich our understanding of what it means to rest in His victory and for His help to increase our commitment to Him as we go deeper into what He has already won for us - All He has promised, All He has provided and of course, “All the marbles”!
In life there are times to play it casually, but then there are times we need to play for “all the marbles”. By this I mean we need to flex our muscles of commitment and push in for the break- through. We need to take a stand and not back down when going after what really matters in life. You know, to be all in.
Like it or not, the enemy of our souls is playing for “all the marbles”. The Deceiver is deceived thinking he can take it all in this cosmic battle for our souls. But we know the truth, God already won “all the marbles” and He wants us to share in His victory. He sent Jesus to triumph for us. All who partner with Him share in this victory. And what is best, when we surrender our “marbles” to Him, we get it all and abandon the ones that we don’t need or that bring us harm.
Jesus said “Seek first His Kingdom, and His Righteousness…” He also said the greatest commandment was to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” I’m no expert, but that seems like a lot of ‘alls’. If I read correctly, if I’m going to be in it for “all the marbles”, I need to love Him and seek first His Kingdom with all I possess. In a word, that’s commitment.
All of us who say we love Jesus want the ‘all’ that He has won for us, but many feel they don’t have what it takes to play for “all the marbles”. As a matter of fact, most feel like in their pursuit, that they are ‘losing their marbles’ and not finding His victory. Perhaps that is because they don’t realize that, though it is a great commitment, there is a simplicity in appropriating what He has won for us. The enemy is already defeated! Our victory comes from our surrender to the King. If you believe He died and rose again and proclaim Him as the Lord, or King of your life, you will be saved – that means you share in His victory. From there it is loving Him, committing to putting His Kingdom first, and resting in His presence.
The application of this principle starts with our salvation, but extends well beyond the boundaries of the circle in the dirt. It includes your eternal relationship with your Creator, it includes the dreams He has placed on your heart, and it encompasses your part in Jesus’s plan to seek and to save the lost. If in your daily walk you feel like you’re losing, or worse, that you have ‘lost your marbles’, return to the source of your victory. It is Jesus, not your skills in the battle in the dirt. Please join me in asking God to enrich our understanding of what it means to rest in His victory and for His help to increase our commitment to Him as we go deeper into what He has already won for us - All He has promised, All He has provided and of course, “All the marbles”!